Sep 2, 20202 min

How To Improve Your Business During COVID-19

Every business has had the chance to rebuild since March 11.

The world as we knew it, at least in the U.S., pretty much ended on Wednesday, March 11, 2020.

Over the past six months:

  • 54% of consumers have made a purchase from a company they were not doing business with prior to the pandemic.

  • 89% of consumers plan to stay with this new provider.

  • 86% of consumers expect businesses to provide more convenient communication.

  • 42% of customers are more interested in communicating with businesses via text or chat.

I had the opportunity to hear Jay Baer, President and CEO of Convince and Convert share his thoughts on the 6 Steps to Rewire Customer Loyalty and Boost Your Business. I’ve also had the opportunity to speak with more than 100 IT executives over the last few months and there are several themes I am hearing and seeing.

Every business is being challenged to do more with less -- fewer dollars to invest in new technology, fewer people in the office, less physical access to systems. At the same time, there’s the demand to maintain or grow profit, revenue, and productivity, as well as the heightened awareness of the importance of data, security, and reliability.

Where do you start?

Employees. Let them know you care about them and their families. Make sure they are safe and able to work-from-home (WFM). What can you do to make WFH more productive? Some companies are offering stipends to upfit “home offices.” Help them understand how security changes when working from home versus in the office. Help them make sure their WiFi is secure. Be forthcoming with information about how the pandemic has affected the business and the products and services you are selling. Talk to them about going above and beyond in providing a great experience for customers.

Customers. Similar to employees, let them know you are there to help them during this crisis. Ask what you can do to help. Be super responsive -- get back to any queries within one business day or sooner. Make sure they know you are there to help them get everything they can out of the technology solution you are providing. Think about what you can do to make their lives simpler and easier in the new environment.

Your customers are being charged to do more with less by their management team. Be proactive in helping them do this. Being proactive, anticipating and solving problems will help you build trust that will enhance relationships and sales. As you are solving your customers’ problems, ask them to share what you’ve done for them in a testimonial, case study, or referral that you can use to prospect for new business.

Products and Services. What do you need to do to ensure your customers can access, manage, and monitor your solutions remotely? By talking to your customers about the problems they are facing during COVID-19, you will get insights into how you can improve your products and services and learn what new solutions you need to develop for the post-COVID world.

In crisis there is opportunity. What are you and your business doing to take advantage of this crisis?