Apr 21, 20202 min

3 Question Survey Accelerates Sales

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

Net Promoter Score is a great way to know how you're doing and letting your customers know you care.

Ever since introducing Net Promoter Score (NPS) to an employer for both customer and employer surveys, I've been pleased with several different aspects of the methodology:

  • Ease of implementation

  • Speed of response

  • Insights provided

  • Dialogue with customers

  • Education provided employees

The three-question survey I use is very simple and can be answered in less than five minutes unless someone has a lot to say.

Here are the three questions I ask customers with only a slight variation for employees:

  1. On a scale of 0 to 10 with 10 being "extremely likely," what is the likelihood you would recommend ________ to a friend or colleague?

  2. Why did you give us that score?

  3. What would it take to earn a 10?

By putting "Customer Satisfaction Survey -- Less than 5 minutes of Your Time" in the subject line of the email, we received excellent response rates.

Everyone who responds to the survey receives a personal "thank you" from me acknowledging their response to our request. I believe in saying "thank you" whenever someone gives you feedback.

In addition, "promoters," those who gave us a 9 or 10, are asked if they would be willing to provide referrals or case studies.

"Detractors," those who gave us a 6 or lower, are contacted by their sales manager or a member of the management team to understand their concern and learn what we can do to address their concern.

We know people who complain and have their complaints resolved to their satisfaction, are more likely to remain long-term customers than people who never complain.

"Passives," those who gave us a  7 or 8, are contacted to learn what we can do to address their concerns so they will know we heard them and we're striving to improve their customer experience (CX).

The goal for the customer satisfaction survey is two-fold: 1) provide a benchmark against which we can measure customer satisfaction over time; and 2) facilitate a dialogue with our customers to better understand their needs and wants so we can create an emotional connection with them.

By responding to every customer, we let them know we really care about their feedback. By addressing specific concerns of "detractors" and "passives," they know we are committed to providing a better CX.

By having members of the management and sales team reach out to "detractors," they get to hear direct feedback on how our customers are viewing us and judging us.

Research validates the positive impact satisfied customers and empowered employees have on the revenue and profitability of companies.

These three questions are a great way to positively impact customers, employees, revenue, and profitability.